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Invoice 360 is an e-invoice software and app designed for people on the go. It is elegantly simple and easy to use while allowing you to create stunningly beautiful invoices quickly. Invoice 360 is a holistic end-to-end app that allows you to create company, customers, inventory items and invoices; to amend the invoices; to print to printers or PDF the invoices; to do invoice payments or to email a softcopy of the invoices to your customers. With a 360° view of your business information at your finger-tips, you can stay on top of things when dealing with your customers.
Elegantly Simple We use the elegantly simple "Cards-and-Paper" metaphor to design our user interface. The "Cards" is on the left-hand side of the app to reference a list of customers, inventory items and pricing. You can reference the "Cards" to add inventory items onto the "Paper" (which is the invoice) on the right. This is a metaphor that most of us, who need to issue invoices, can understand, visualize and associate with. We gleaned this metaphor from previous experiences where we successfully helped fast-growing companies transform their on the go manual "Cards-and-Paper" invoice issuance to that of a fully automated one using our software. With this elegantly simple user interface, we hope to enable you create any invoice within 10 seconds.
Professional invoice templates to choose from or customize! You can choose an invoice template that comes with Invoice 360 without the need to create one from scratch. This allows you to focus on what's important for your business, and not be bogged down by invoice design. You can also customize an existing invoice template to incorporate your existing business logo and layout using the Desktop Invoice 360 Template Designer. This designer has a WYSIWYG (What-you-see-is-what-you-get) user interface that is intuitive to use for anyone.
PDF (Portable Document Format) Invoices For accounting purposes, many customers require an electronic copy of the invoice. The PDF format, being the most ubiquitous and flexible format, is selected as the document electronic format. We have chosen to build an in-app PDF engine that enables you to load new invoice templates and generate PDF invoices without additional third-party PDF printer drivers or plugins.
Our Philosophy Have you thought about how many times you use or reuse your invoice app? Everyday, day after day, invoice after invoice and customer after customer. We definitely have. That is why we build this invoice app to be simple, elegant and in a way that is easy to use while on the go.
We have also tested our app with different scenarios vigorously, so that you know you can be assured of its quality, robustness and reliability. We provide comprehensive documentations on the app so that you do not need to guess or figure out how we have designed and implemented it.
Our app is designed in black and white color. We believe this is how a professional invoice app should be - simple and elegant. We focus our design on function, not on fashion.
Whether you are a business owner, manager, accountant, or business executive from a Fortune 500 company, or a free-lancer, a consultant or an entrepreneur joining the business world, we hope that you will find this invoice app useful as we have put together our best experience, invest our best effort and time to develop this invoice app.
If you are updating from an existing version, we strongly recommend you take a backup of your database.
Important Notes When you are ready to use Invoice 360 for your company, please use the Settings -> Reset function to remove the demo data. With the demo data removed, you can easily change the Company Name and Invoice Number.
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good app by Jonathan
i have evaluated several and found this to be quite a good app. at first I thought it was not free based on the feedbacks provided by other users. what i found was it was indeed free. they put a little watermark at the bottom of the invoice which is fine for me.
Easy to use, Easy to configure by Christine
It is easy to use, more than enough fields to do anything. Being able to create my own formats or modify the existing ones using the designer is an amazing feature. The only issue I have is that I did not reset the data before I started entering my invoice data - I can't find the invoices that the demo data is tied to so there are a few product entries and customers that I can't get rid of. I am not taking any stars off for that because it was my fault for not reading the instructions all the way through.
Great App! by Jim
It suites my small business needs great. I sell product as well as services. My only dislike is the comments section only allows so much text. My services can need much more said than space allows. I just find quick ways to get my point across.
A great help by chris
Keeps me from having to hand write invoices. It's a little difficult to use because I mostly just offer services, however, it has helped my new small business operate a little smoother. Also helps with appearance. Overall I am satisfied and will continue to use.
Very easy to use by Pedro
This app is very use full and easy to use, connects fast to my printer and email.