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Your source for Intel® product information. Browse, search and compare product specifications; even while you’re offline. Check Intel® product features, compatibility, and code names with this fast and easy-to-use application. Products include processors, chipsets, boards and kits, servers, solid state drives, networking and I/O, software, and more.
* Other names and brands may be claimed as the property of others.
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Update to Windows Universal App by John
I love ARK, and I use it every day. I'd REALLY love a Universal version of the app that would run on my Windows 10 Mobile device, so I could look up parts in a pinch during a conversation.
Awesome by Ryan
This app give me all the information I need to make educated purchases for the workstations I've built.
From Intel ARK team by Brian
Hope you find this app useful. Thanks for your reviews. ---Intel ARK team. @John Meyer: So sorry to hear that. Have you tried the app recently? We have done a few releases since your review and I wonder if it's working any better for you. If not, send feedback to [email protected] and we'll try to work through it with you to get it fixed on your device.
Essential for every technician by Leonel
This is the App you must to have installed in your PC, technician. Brings all the info about the Intel components (especially the processors). I want this App on my Windows Phone soon :)
explain lack by seyyed mohammad
plz make it continuum and export it for mobile windows, that's easy. explain comparable concepts like: system bus ,system scalability and ... please make compare chart vertically in parallel product column. and make text size scalable.
nice by PAUL
Wonderful by Joonyoung
This app is great for viewing details about Intel processors!