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Best rated and most downloaded Homeopathic App on Windows Phone. Free offer for limited number of days. Learn about Homeopathy and find your own Homeopathic Remedies. Use the App to learn the basics of Homeopathy and find Homeopathic remedies by searching your sickness conditions and symptoms. Homeopathy is the most safe method of medicine without any side effects. But its difficult to decide on remedies based on the classic homeopathic books on Maretia Medica and Repertory as they need a lot of time for reference and study. In this era of IT, we will use its power to maximum to help find Homeopathic remedies fast and easy. This app is a quick reference for both new Homeo enthusiasts as well as experienced Homeopaths. This app is a must for every house for safe homeopathic remedies. Version 1.4 - New "Switch On/Off background" option, just by a single click - for better readability. For any help or info please contact help.appstore @ gmail . com Tags: Homeopathy , Homeo , Homeopathic , Repertory , Materia Medica , Family , Kids , Medicine , Remedy , Remedies .
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by irene
Please update.thanks so much for this app. It is very helpful. Классная аппликация. Огромное спасибо.
by omkar
Plz update this app with more number of conditions with their remedy...
by Elizabeth
Better than expected. Nice quick reference for those already familiar with homeopathy, looks like there's also background info for those who are just learning about homeopathy too. Nice visual design too. Thanks very much.
by User
I love this app im not big on taking man chemicals to cure myself when im sick. This app is perfect