Deutsch (Deutschland) English (United States)
What is a GUID? =========== A GUID (Globally Unique Identifier) is a pseudo-random string consisting of 32 letters (A-F) / numbers (0-9) and 4 hyphens. The application area for GUIDs is manifold. For example, GUIDs can be used to uniquely identify objects, files, or documents.
What is GUID generator? ================ The GUID generator is a program for generating GUIDs. Furthermore, it is possible to perform a syntactic check of strings, whether they meet the requirements of a GUID, ie the 8-4-4-4-12 format consisting of the allowed characters.
Particularities ========= The GUID generator was developed with C# specifically for Windows-Store. As a result, it is optimally integrated into the system, offers optimum app feeling, best performance, requires minimal storage space and system-specific functionalities.
Create GUID ======== The core functionality of this program is generating GUIDs. The GUIDs can be generated either in upper case letters or in lower case letters.
Check GUID ======== To check the syntax of individual strings, they can be entered in the result text field. Valid strings are colored in green, invalid strings with red color.
Interoperability ========== The exchange with other applications is possible via the device's own clipboard (copy and paste).
Summary of functions: ============== - Generate GUID - Check string for GUID-syntax - Copy - Paste - Convert to upper case - Convert to lower case