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Category:Utilities & tools
User-rating:1.0 ( 0 Reviews )
Publisher:Richard Buttars
Language supported:
English (United States)
OS:Windows 10, Windows 8.1, Windows 10 Mobile, Windows Phone 8.1
Architecture:ARM, x86, x64
OS:Windows 10, Windows 8.1, Windows 10 Mobile, Windows Phone 8.1
Architecture:ARM, x86, x64
This program is designed to provide calculated lengths for antennas and antenna elements by automatically calculating the lengths for the frequency you enter. There is also a space for entering a custom fraction or multiplier if the length you want is not one the program directly provides by default.
The program calculates the following standard element lengths:
1/4 wave 1/2 wave 5/8 wave Full wave
Once the values have been calculated they are displayed in a report form. The lengths in both English and Metric measures are calculated and reported. On the results display there is a button allowing you to save the results to an HTML file.
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