English (United States)
Anime Tube™ is the #1 anime viewing app on the Windows Store!
Anime Tube™ is the only app on the store to offer you all of the following features:
º Access to 5 of the best anime sources on the internet º Filtering by multiple genres including dubbed and subbed allowing you to find exactly the type of show you might be interested in º Anime Tube™ stores all data on our cloud server to prevent overloading anime sources unlike other low quality anime apps º Custom video player enables you to select from multiple video servers and from multiple resolutions º Stream anime videos from live streaming sources
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unstable on xbox1s by JROCKING66
keeps shutting down in middle of shows
Anime Tube Pro by Unknown
Cool choices of anime Videos inside Anime tube Pro
used to be great. by TwiNnVeNOm
app has been crashing every 10-12mins after its been opened
UPS and a Down by Unknown
Love the variety and that they all have dub versions but as of past few days videos wont load.