English (United States)
A sound knowledge of the structure and function of the human body in all of its intricacies is the foundation of medical education. The Focus ANIMATED ESSENTIAL ATLAS OF ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY is one such tool that provides enormous ways to learn, review and teach the human anatomical systems and their physiology.
As a learning tool it is the first of its kind to provide in depth details about the systems covered through animation of OVER 200 MINUTES. The systems are elucidated through very graphic, life-like animations. Such a learning tool has never been attempted before and is ideal for e-learning. In this Animated Atlas the anatomy and physiology is organized according to the biological systems of the human body
The Atlas deals with the biology of ALL essential body systems and helps any student of medicine to cope with their peers.
The Focus Animated Essential Atlas of Anatomy and Physiology includes a full chapter on: -Cell – the Building block of Life -Circulatory system -Digestive & Excretory Systems -Endocrine System -Immune System -Integumentary System -Muscular System -Nervous System -Reproductive System -Respiratory System -Skeletal Systems
Important Features
-The powerful animations accompanied by narration impacts the viewer instantaneously. -Each system is dealt as a chapter which provides all the details required for understanding how that system functions. -The Atlas is user-friendly and allows for easy navigation to any section anytime. -An excellent and MUST REFERENCE material for understanding human anatomy and physiology. -It helps to better understand and communicate in-depth information about the human anatomical system
Learning about human systems, their anatomical positions and functions was never so easy!
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Not Free by Lance
Looks like it has a lot of useful information, mostly done by videos; it is not free however. You can buy each section individually if you want, the one I clicked on was $6.99 I think. The whole thing was $47.99 I think.
No Free by Heather
The only thing that's free is the first screenshot they have posted. If you click on ANYTHING else you have to pay. It's listed as free because that's the only option I use.
This app appears to really cost $47.99 to buy. by Jefferson
You may be able to buy short segments for $6.99, but the whole app is $47.99. The equivalent or better app on the iPad is free or .99 or even $4.99. But for 47.99 you should be able to buy both a good book and a good video which has much more information than this app. That's the way I see it now. If anyone has a different view please explain.
Free apps Should not be ADvertisements by Ronald
Focus's "Animated Essential Atlas of Anatomy & Physiology is listed as a free app and begins with a very photographic display of the human body however to go beyond the orientation you must pay a private viewing admission charge. omn
great but very expensive! by Cesar
I don't understand if the app says it is free, why do I have to pay $47.99 dollars for it. great app but expensive. if the app cost 9.99 I would buy it, more than that no. there are app better than this one in the iTunes store and they cost less. very disappointed.
Not Free at All. by Madhu
I was extremely excited to see the Human Atlas and medical information was being provided for free. After downloading it, I saw that it is not free but actually cost money to view the important content in this app. I would highly appreciate it if Microsoft either took this app down from it's store or label it as a paid and/or free trial product.
Deceptive by Wayne
I wish apps clearly stated they had content you had to buy instead of showing up as free. It seems nicely done and I understand to get paid for work, just don't care for deception, be up front about costs. Especially when the full product is nearly $50!