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AdBlock. The #1 ad blocker with over 200 million downloads. Blocks YouTube, Facebook and ads everywhere else on the web.
The original AdBlock works automatically. Choose to continue seeing unobtrusive ads, white-list your favorite sites, or block all ads by default. Just install, then visit your favorite website and see the ads disappear!
NOTE: * Unobtrusive ads aren't being blocked in order to support websites. * The notice you see about having access to your history and website data is automatically generated because AdBlock runs on every tab. But it does not actually monitor your browsing history or require your personal information to work properly.
People also like
Check the Acceptable Ads filter first! Great adblock. by JJ
It's a great adblock extension and works just like the extension in other browsers. What other people in the reviews didn't realize when they think it's not working is that the Acceptable Ads filter is enabled by default (it's mentioned in the "first-time use" page, right below the donation section). If you want all ads gone (including YouTube and Tom's Hardware mentioned in previous reviews below), you need to disable that filter in the settings first.
Generally Works Great! by Casey
AdBlock works great! I do use the option to display non-intrusive ads to help websites because a lot of times that is how they are funded, but I have started to notice that some websites know if I'm using AdBlock and ask me to disable it before I can view the content. Such a vicious cycle. Update: Using the AdBlock extension on the creators update and works great!!
A working adblocker for Edge by Stephen
Update: Since the problem is apparently on my end for reasons unknown I'll return this to my previous 4 star rating. == old comment follows == After using this since its release I've come to realize that this extension automatically re-enables the option to "allow some non-intrusive advertising". The option will remain off for a time after turning it off, but it is automatically turned back on at some point without notice or explanation. I wonder if this is related to inserting their own ads like AdBlock Plus does?
Extension keeps shutting off by Ben
This extension keeps shutting itself off, and when I try to turn it on, it disables the on/off switch. Annoying, but then again I've learned to keep low expectations for Edge...
The Stop ad doesn't work properly by Ebrahim
I used AdBlock in Chrome and when you use the "block an ad" option it gives you a scroll bar so you can choose one ad and expand to another ads, and of course then there will be no need to choose every ad one by one. This feature is not present here, and I don't know why. It is very handy. Please make this work. THANKS
Doesn't always work, can't access options *UPDATE 8/4* by Ken
Sometimes works, sometimes doesn't. Options page is blank, so I can't adjust anything. Back to Chrome. *UPDATE 8/4* The options page is now available, (through no effort of mine) and I was able to turn off acceptable ads, which was allowing more ads than I would expect, btw. Works great now!