7 minute workout - Scientifically Proven Results

English (United States)
7 minutes workout for perfect fitness is equally beneficial for men and women. Do a complete fitness body weight exercise workout in less than 10 minutes. Exercises keeps you fit and healthy – especially designed for people who are not regular at gym but still want to keep fit and loose extra weight. No need for workout equipment, just a few minutes every day. High Intensity body weight exercises to keep you slim – smart with perfect body structure!
“There’s very good evidence” that high-intensity interval training provides “many of the fitness benefits of prolonged endurance training but in much less time,” says Chris Jordan, the director of exercise physiology at the Human Performance Institute in Orlando, Fla. Work by scientists at McMaster University in Hamilton, Ontario, and other institutions shows, for instance, that even a few minutes of training at an intensity approaching your maximum capacity produces molecular changes within muscles comparable to those of several hours of running or bike riding.
12 High Intensity body weight exercises, 30 seconds per exercise, 10 sec rest between each exercise
Beautifully designed – Simple To Use – Perfect choice for fitness enthusiasts 7 minutes workout app features - Easy to learn complete workout guides to make you perfect exercises - Audio coaching throughout the program - Voice Prompting for each step so no need to look at phone - No confusion what exercise to do next or how to do it - No timers needed
Weight Loss Tracker (PREMIUM FEATURE): Create your profile, set your weight goal and achieve it! Inbuilt PRO-Weight Tracker will keep you updated about your weight goals and weight loss progress though out
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by Nada
I love it woooow thanks alot for the application
by Novianto Budi
Awesome apps
by Kevin L
Very good routine. Great for this 10 pounds overweight non-athletic out of shape person. The routine is short enough that I can talk myself into doing it every other day. I weigh myself each time and record it in the chart. This helps me to remember, each morning whether it is an exercise day or not. I start, each routine by stretching for a few minutes (arms, legs, neck, toe touches) then I start the app. I actually count my reps and started the program by only doing 10 reps of each. I did 10 for a few weeks to build up strength and endurance after years of not exercising. I then increased to 12 for a number of weeks, and so on. Slowly but surely I'm making progress. The app keeps me progressing but not so much that I over do and quit. I wish the app stored stored it's data and synced with One Drive. Best Wishes
Needs to be more detailed by Nirdesh
Push up section has repeated content. Some others lack detailed description.
Lazy by Jurijs
Interesting application