English (United States)
Vectorial Map allows you to view Mapsforge (OpenStreetMap) offline vector maps and record tracks. It supports different map styles, basic track editing, and background track recording.
Features: - View Mapsforge offline vector maps (.map). - View OSMAnd/Locus offline raster maps (.sqlitedb). - *NEW* Download offline vector maps directly in the app via IAP. - Change the map's look and feel on the fly using custom Mapsforge XML style sheets. - Record GPS tracks in background. - Import and edit tracks and waypoints (GPX, KML, KMZ). - Draw your own tracks and waypoints (e.g. for trip planning). - *NEW* Calculate routes around up to 50 anchor points*. - Search for POIs*. - Support for slippy format online tile sources (such as OpenStreetMap.org or OpenCycleMaps). - Take map screenshots. - Maps, styles, and track files can be imported using Windows Phone "Open with" feature (e.g. using Internet Explorer, OneDrive (SkyDrive), or any other app supporting "Open with") and Wifi upload (recommended for big maps). - Export GPX and KML tracks to other apps or upload them to OneDrive. - *NEW* Load altitude data from DEM server*
* Requires internet connection.
Questions, feedback, feature request, or bug reports: http://www.vectorialmap.com/contact
Vectorial Map Help page with instructions on how to open and create offline maps and styles: - http://www.vectorialmap.com/wphelp
MapsForge offline maps can be downloaded here: - http://download.mapsforge.org/maps/ - http://www.openandromaps.org/en/
Notes - OneDrive for Windows Phone 8 has a 100MB file limit. - Windows Phone 8 stops GPS after 4 hours of inactivity.
### Manage tracks and waypoints ### The Vectorial Map Desktop app available on the website (http://www.vectorialmap.com/download) can be used to easily export, import, and view tracks and waypoints which were recorded with the mobile version of Vectorial Map.
More information: http://www.vectorialmap.com/mobiledbmanager
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by Terry
Works awesome for what I need
by hesham
Excellent but always makes update
Very good. by Tomas
I like as it is the only way how to get reasonable offline maps for Korea and Japan to Windows 10 mobile product.
by J
Will not load a .kmz on a Lumia 640xl. Emailed developer, no response. Don't waste your money on this app.
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