English (United States)
GPS Satellite provides the location and course data calculated from your phone's global positioning satellite (GPS) receive in conjunction with received orbiting global position satellite signals.
Data includes:
* latitude *longitude * altitude * speed * course * horizontal accuracy * vertical accuracy * date and time * 3 geocache sites * multi-satellite dilution values and ratings, plus point source
GPS Satellite allows you to send the location(map link, latitude, longitude, and image) and tracking information to the following:
* SMS * email * post to your favorite social network like Twitter * clipboard to pasted into other applications
For Windows 10 desktop, you can now save and load position data points. This will come to Windows 10 mobile after some testing by customers.
View the nice guide page explaining all features!
Coordinates can be displayed with:
* decimal degrees * decimal degrees with direction * degrees and minutes * degrees, minutes, and seconds
Mapping allows you the following view:
* road * aerial * hybrid * terrain * pitch control * pedestrian and landmark features
Speeds can be displayed wit the following formats:
* miles per second * miles per hour * kilometers per hour * knots * feet per second
Latitude and longitude can be displayed in a LARGE nicely formatted screen.
Tasks can be performed on the tasks page.
NASA photo of the day provided.
Holding your finger on the map page for a second, you will get the latitude and longitude of that position in addition to the other data.
Privacy policy: Upon your actions, this application accesses your location to display and can, of your choice, save the location to a file. You may also load the file or share the location.
Compass location traffic.
People also like
not bad for use on lap top by CW
I made a series of 10 readings across E Tenn, NW GA and SC with a Garmain hand held and this laptop program in various terains all readings matched up vey closely. good program
by Lisa
Why does this app require access to users' music, photos, media, web browser, phone dialer, and owner identity? That's a huge privacy issue for an app which has the primary task of determining users' exact location and which has no valid reason to need access to those things. Ads may need to access the web browser and perhaps the phone dialer, but not the others. And if this is a case of "but we promise not to use it", then access should not be required in the first place.
POOR, shows my GPS position aprox. 15 miles from my actual location. ANY TIMES IT WON'T SHOW MY LOCAQATION.
not user friendly by Warren
wont update to no advertising, not useful for getting directions as advertised. wish I had never bought it
by Noe
Excellent, I travel a lot and for example, I was going to Alabama from Miami fl, and in the middle of the road my navigation app failed, the same thing with the 4 cellphones we had in the car because there was not internet signal , but with this app, without Mobil signal , I was able to find where I was and the main highway. I love it, and thank you for so much help whoever made this app
by Marco
Great information about the surrounding areas. I know this app is free, but would it be possible to pay a little something to get rid of the advertisements? Thanks!
by Derrick
Why is there need to access my photo and music Library and phone dailer.
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