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Did you know that the color orange was named after the fruit? This and many other trivia facts on your live tile, updated daily. All facts are verified and have a corresponding article. Share the amazing facts with your friends or save for later. The content is provided by reddit's 'Today I Learned' users. If you would like to use a full featured reddit client, we recommend Baconit FEATURES: - Inexhaustible supply of trivia facts, updated daily - Live tile shows trivia through the day - All trivia facts have verified sources - Share via email or social networks - Save trivia facts to your favorites The app is supported by a single ad on the bottom of the screen. Please contact [email protected] for feature requests or questions.
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by emily
At first I thought this app was fun. After a little research on some of the "trivia" I found that much of it untrue. How lame!
by Nick
Could be laid out better and grammar is ridiculously atrocious, but some really cool info and live tile is nice when it updates.
by Shanna
Once I get on this app I tend to stay on for more than an hour. Very interesting stuff.
by Andrew
Interesting facts, but many are ambiguous and/or slightly wrong
by Chelsea
Very interesting, cool! I love the live tile filling my day with random facts