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1 learn sight read music notes tutor
Learn to sight read music in G & F Clef. Solfa. Notes above and below staff. Span 6 octaves. Applies to any instrument. Notes generated randomly and not limited to a repeating set. Switch between clefs for even more fun. Answer key for starters. Beginners set the pace by limiting the octave section to learn. Major and Minor Scales (sharps and flats). Piano sound can be muted. Include test score and performance statistics. Great for phones. Perfect for tablets. Alternate notations: C D E F G A B C D E F G A H Do Ré Mi Fa Sol La Si Do Re Mi Fa Sol La Si ハ ニ ホ ヘ ト イ ロ Ni Pa Vu Ga Di Ke Zo Sa Re Ga Ma Pa Dha Ni
Alternate sound: Guitar Organ Trumpet Vibraphone Telephone
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