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User-rating:3.7 ( 3 Reviews )
Publisher:NikSan Tech
Language supported:
English (United States)
OS:Windows 10 Mobile, Windows Phone 8.1, Windows Phone 8
OS:Windows 10 Mobile, Windows Phone 8.1, Windows Phone 8
Tap the Black tile and Listen to the piano notes of the Bollywood. Don't Tap The White Tile otherwise game will be over. Enjoy the Music and Give us the good ratings.
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Download Tap The Black Tile Bollywood
( 3 Reviews )
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by Lauren
Its fun, but the game constantly glitches and lags. Not to mention there are several pop up ads on the AP that block some of the tiles so you hit the ads instead of the blocks and it redirects you to the advertisement which makes it nearly impossible to keep up your score. Its not the original game, and it doesn't have the relaxation feature, but its the only one you can get for the Nokia.
by User
Its pretty fun, needs more music
by Pratik
Very nice and addictive game, keep it up
About Tap The Black Tile Bollywood
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