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Keep track of your work schedule with Simple Timesheet. The tool provides an easy to use interface for entering your worked hours on multiple projects.
- Backup schedule with Dropbox or Skydrive. - See detailed statistics - Export timesheet reports to Excel - Optionally, track the distance to you workplace via GPS. A background process can capture a sample every half an hour. This helps you remember your office hours.
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by User
Awesome apps, way better than a picture or text. Wish I could set "days off" instead of not filling it in. Update: App was working great until the shifts I edited didn't update for the live tile or reminder notification. Made me late for work, luckily mt boss is a chill *** dude who drives a motorcycle. I kinda want a motorcycle now but it might be weird that we both drive motorcycles. Please fix. The app, not my my boss.
by J
This app works perfectly at keeping and calculating hours worked. I suggest no default for start/end time and the option to use am/pm rather than 24 hrs.
by robert
Absolutely love it, I am a painter and we have to keep track of our own hours, the first month I used this it saved me by 5 hours because my boss did his math wrong. I love the comment section so I can add info to keep track what jobsite we worked at. Easy to use and easy to read. The one thing I'd like to see is when using the "week view" an actual date on each block not the is. "Jan (12-18th)" it has. Great app!
by Cory
This is an awesome app! I stumbled across it looking for some kind of work schedule and found it to be way more than that. High recommend it!
by Michael
So far I've found it easy to navigate... Since my last review I've gone through 3 phones. Each time I was able to restore from the previous. So be sure to enable BACKUP, I use OneDrive. Still simple and easy for quick jobs or long projects. UPDATE: After four phones, five stars!!!
by joshua
Great for people who work random hours for contract employees
by Julian
Extremely useful, well designed, just wish I could save all my entries in the cloud
by Teri
I would like to start off with saying thank you so much for your quick response when I emailed you and for all your help. I have been using this app for quite some time and it has been a life saver. I am required to keep my time sheets for 7 years and if something happens to the hard copy I can go into Simple Timesheet and have all the info I need. Thank you again for a great app. Updates are great, the time accuracy is awesome, thank you so much!!!