English (United States) English (United Kingdom) 中文(中华人民共和国)
Play as an heroic ninja and fight your opponents. To win you must eliminate them all. Be careful ... there are many!
Ninja King is a game of skill and speed in which you will need to string together catches and hits. Weapons are also available to you. Avoid getting hit or you will lose!
HOW TO PLAY? Stand in front of your opponents and fight them touching the screen right and left. Each enemy has its specificity. A life bar shows your health.
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Its sucky by Salvador
The game doesn't work the buttons are not eve THERE !!!
Amazing by レオン
To people who say its horrible, its best to play it on a keyboard and make sure you know how to play the game before criticizing it!
Won't freaking work by Dominick
I love this game. I play it on my tablet. it won't on my HP pc (windows 10) cause whenever it shows you the start game screen, it just exiting me out. And it took me 48 hours just for this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! }:| }:| }:| }:| }:| don't download it
this is cool by Zane
you can keep on going all you want
could be better... by Unknown
I would give it a one star if it crashed when you did full screen. Oh wait. It does. But I like that you fight people. But there are a few things that could be fixed. One star's just mean. three stars for effort. But if these things were fixed, it could be a really good game. for people who say one star, here's a message. Give them a chance.
SUCKS!!!!!! by Kelly
the fighting is so weird and makes no sense. the game is fun, but the fighting buttons are so weird and stupid
It a copy by yuki
The copy of one finger death punch
awful by Santos
I cant even play the game because every time I put it in full screen it turns of the game and it is hard to see without full srceen