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There’s a faster way. Get more done with the myAT&T app. myAT&T lets you manage your AT&T Wireless, U-verse®, home phone and Internet accounts with your Windows smartphone. Billing and Payments: View and pay your bill View activity since last wireless bill including bill and payment history Enroll and manage paperless billing Set up and manage AutoPay • Manage stored payment profiles • Manage your plan and services: • View wireless voice, text, and data usage (including rollover data) • Mobile Share customers can view, compare and change their wireless plan • Add or remove wireless account services Review wireless rate plan details Access U-verse service details and plan information • Manage U-verse voice features like caller ID on TV and Locate me • Trouble logging in? Recover your User ID and reset your password • View U-verse voice and television usage • Reset your wireless voicemail password • Set customized usage alerts for wireless accounts • Manage U-verse technician appointments • Move U-verse service • Get help for your AT&T services
Shop: • Find AT&T store locations and schedule appointments • Shop in the app, and then stop by your local AT&T store to pick up your products
myAT&T requires an active AT&T account that is registered for online account management. myAT&T does not support Premier business accounts or GoPhone/Prepaid accounts.
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Windows phone 10 by Tony
Won't load on windows 10? Any updates coming? Other than that it does exactly what needs to do, just hoping it starts working again soon
by Noah
This app has gotten worse and worse as the updates have progressed. The application wont allow any payment because its constantly stuck on the "loading" symbol over the page. Its performance is dismal and the continued downward spiral with each update just makes me wish to quit ATT all together. As much as people are charged for mobile service, there should at least be a functioning application this day in age.
by C.R.
The new update just crashes the entire app. Enter your info and hit login and it takes you to your home screen. Now instead of redirecting to the gophone site and making sure you have to reenter your number and password like the pos it was b4 this update makes the app truly useless.
by James
Useless app for the most part. The iPhone app is nicely developed however this app is basically a front to att.com links. Pleeeease go back to the previous version...that was an actual windows phone app that had potential rather than this mobile site wrapper.
by Chirag
Can't login since update, please fix it.
Are you serious a multi billion dollar company by Ricardo
I have rated att high on every other aspect of there company but this is just ridiculous. The app is the slowest app on the WP store a I'm talking about law suit slow I've never seen anything like this before this is the best att can do with all that money and years of cellphone background and I have aa high end phone att must be ware of this but only seem to update the apps others issues what's the point if it's so slow you wait minutes for these features to appear. Ladies and gentlemen this app is so slow this is the first time I have every written a review of anything that I had to do this just for this app it's as though I'm dealing with a startup company.fire your programs before people start to leave because of this.