English (United States)
M CALCULATOR help you solve simple but time consuming mpesa and mshwari transaction charges calculations. It does that very fast for the users. The application solve all Mpesa and Mshwari transactions calculations. You can set your loan repayment alarm to remind you when you are suppose to pay for your loan. Just enter the amount you want to transact and your transaction charges will be calculated automatically; the cost to send,receive and withdraw money over mpesa, the excess amount that will be banked in your mshwari account, the interest you will pay back while paying your mshwari loan. The transactions rates used was set by safaricom on 21st august 2014, in case the transaction rates are charged we will update the application. We are also adding some features soon to the application depending on users request. Send your requests and review to us [email protected]
People also like
by daniel
Pls update to the current mpesa charges
by Rodney
Very useful keep uo the good work.
So far so good by Ken
It works well...
by calvin
Very very helpful
by Laban
Nice one
by Denis
The best of the best by patrick
I like it coz It's faster and stress free. And what I don't like is the charges they're very high try to lower them please thank you.