English (United States)
This is one of the best video editor and slideshow maker app in the store. Easily create video story and share with your friends and family. For any help on how to use this app, please go to http://videopixstore.com/
Transform everyday moments into works of art as you want. Easy to use professional editing tools. .MOV and .MP4 support now added.
Multiple video themes which are customizable, so that user can change the text color size and font of that theme.
Various stickers for given duration can be applied now! In videos every single sticker can be given time instance for its appearance.
You can also provide the time instance for text and music as well.
Stunning trimming and merging feature available. User can trim multiple parts from video and can also select another video and merge.
Apply stunning video filters like Sepia, Mirror, Negative and more.
You can add music as well, you can instead add multi music at custom video timeline.
You can use trim, split, copy for further advance separation of videos which user had earlier trimmed them.
You can apply different effect to every trimmed part at any time.
Various transition effects between merged videos like rotation, tile, smooth water transition and more. It can be switched at any time.
Download and have fun! Contact us: Web: http://videopixstore.com/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/videopixstore Twitter: @VideoPixStore Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/videopix/ Tutorial: http://videopixstore.com/movie-maker-free-video-editor-tutorial/ Support Email: [email protected]
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Terrible by Mac
This is Terrible... I can't merge videos or anything else but trimming the video, which I rarely ever need. It doesn't allow me to save videos either, there's always an error that appears.
Absolutely worthless by Cody
If no stars were an option I would choose that. For starters, there are ads all over the place which should have been the first hint that this app is worthless. You can't do any actual editing to your videos like cutting out chunks or moving parts around. You can trim off the beginning and end and that is it. You have more editing tools of Instagram than you do this app.
Worthless by David
DO NOT PAY FOR THIS it is NOT ads free even after you pay. This is a scam app. This app does NOT allow you to do any real video editing and only loaded one clip at a time, and did NOT add clips. This is NOT worth even $2.99 because it is no different after paying than before.
False advertising: Can't merge videos? by Jason
Downloaded this for the purpose of combining short clips into a single movie. Everytime I clicked "add clip" or "add video", it just replaces the first one that was loaded. So apparently, the advertised ability to merge videos isn't actually supported? Completely useless for my purposes, and false advertising to boot. It may not have wasted my money, but it sure wasted my time. Don't let it waste yours.