English (United States)
Momodora: Reverie Under the Moonlight explores a cursed land in decline. Evil spreads, the dead rise, and corruption reigns. Hope is but a faded memory for all but one, a priestess named Kaho from the village of Lun. An audience with her majesty, the queen, would surely save the land--but time is short and each night darker than the last.
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Aha!I know it! by Zhou
An exquisite fantasy adventure, its animation design looks so cute, Mu~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~wa!!!~~~~ can't handle myself haha~
Excellent, Difficult, and Better On Other Platforms by Darryl
Momodora is a Metroidvania game. There is a large map to explore, bosses to fight, and platforms to jump around. It is styled like a classic 16-bit game from the early 90s, and just as difficult. This is a game where you will die, and if you do not have the ability to keep track of your position, enemy positions, and projectile movement patterns, then you will die a lot. Many comparisons are made between Momodora and Dark Souls, so be prepared. However, this game runs slow. If you played the Win32 version of this game, then the Windows Store version feels like it is mostly running at 80% of the intended speed. There are times when the game is running as well as it should, but I found only for 4-5 seconds at a time. This makes some boss battles and precision platforming segments frustrating, as the game jumps around how fast it performs, even with the new Game Mode on. That is the reasons for the 3 stars. On a final note, there are no achievements in this version.
Excellent title, worthy of your time by Daniel
The description and other reviews capture a lot of details so I'll just add this: Do yourself a favor and play on hard. It gets painful at times but the payoff is rewarding. The ending is ok, so I'm eagerly awaiting the next steps from the dev team.
Cute, Charming, Punishing and Brutal all at once! by Johnathan Andrew
This is a classic style 16 bit era metroidvania style game at its best, I mean I wouldn't go as far as to say its like SotN level of amazingness but its defiantly very very good! Kudos to the developer who was able to finally get this finished and released, hats off to ya man hope your next title is even better, there's no where to go but up from here right?
Pretty Good...But... by Deliver us from
It has a 90's gamer feel to it with a unique animation to it. The game is Pretty Good...But it's very hard to get around certain levels.