English (United States)
Are you ever stuck when thinking of what to eat? Struggling to figure out what to cook, again and again?
MealScheduler aims to help you with that. It allows you to catalogue your own dishes and keep track of when you cooked them. The app will then automatically surface dishes you haven't prepared in a while.
MealScheduler is not another cookbook application, instead it allows you to keep track of your recipes and your all time favorites. By noting when you cook each dish the application can recommend dishes you haven't had in a while when you find yourself out of ideas.
This, in combination with search by name and by tag, allows you to quickly settle on your next mission! Please note that MealScheduler really shines when you have entered many recipes.
MealScheduler also allows you to sync your recipe book across all your devices and back it up to the cloud. No ads!
To cover Azure costs syncing with cloud is only available with an in-app purchase.
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Just what I needed!... but a little buggy by Shannon
My family tends to get into ruts of cooking the same few things week after week. This app really meets the need of helping us to rotate through our full library of meals. The way that recipes are supposed to be "tagged" isn't super clear. A system of customizable categories would take it over the top for me! Update: There doesn't seem to be a good way to delete recipes. And it's buggy about having recipes with blank titles. - it crashes.
give it a minute by Curtiss D.
just turned on will rate when know