English (United States)
Lunch Picker is designed to eliminate the endless discussions over where to eat lunch for you and your co-workers, family, friends, etc. Lunch Picker randomly selects a restaurant for you by 'racing' two or selected places. You can build your favorite restaurant list two major ways: select places from our built-in database or view from a list of local places based on your GPS location. The app allows you to record your personal average meal price as well as some additional information on each restaurant and filter for places to eat based on that information. It also records statistics on the results of each race and graphs the frequency of wins for each restaurant as well as provides mapping and directions to any restaurant. Basically this is a fun application to help select a place to eat when you can't decide!
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Headline by Jim
Show options on big map
by Nick
Fun way to pick lunch!
by Hardin
What a fun app! This makes deciding where to eat an adventure.
by Dawn
Great app! Makes lunchtime more fun!
by Brian
Really cool program... Never seen one quite like it! Professional interface and I love the race!! lol
by Kim
I have used this program on my laptop and I'm so glad it's available for my phone now. My family can each choose a restaurant and then Lunch Picker will randomly pick the one we will go to--no more arguments! And now the phone version will map it for us too!