English (United States)
Learn how to speak French with lessons, courses, audio, activities and quizzes, including the alphabet, phrases, vocabulary, pronunciation, parts of speeches, grammar and many more.
CLass 1 : Basics -Alphabets -Alphabets Quiz -Vowels Theory -Vowels Pronunciation -Alphabets Charts -Numbers Theory -Numbers Audio -Numbers Quiz - Noun - Pronoun - Verb - Adjective - Adverb - Preposition - Conjunction - Body Parts - Fruits and Vegetables - 100 Common Words - Vocabulary a-z
Class 2: Greetings -Study List -Slide Show -English to French Reading Quiz -French to English Reading Quiz -English to French Listening Quiz -French to English Listening Quiz
Class 3: Polite Expressions Class 4 : Praise Class 5: Days, Months and Seasons Class 6 : Climate Class 7 : Time Class 8 : Common Questions Class 9 : Directions Class 10 : Instructions Class 11 : Health and Safety Class 12 : Shifts and Pay Class 13 : Around the Office Class 14 : Animals Class 15 : Tools and Equipment Class 16 : Measurement Class 17 : People Class 18 : Crops and Plants Class 19 : Holidays and Sympathies Class 20 : Agriculture Class 21 : Food and Drink Class 22 : Love Class 23 : Physical Appearance Class 24 : Conversation Starters Class 25 : Internet Terms Class 26 : House
Class 27 : Theory -The French Alphabet -Pronunciation: The Easy Consonants -Pronunciation: Vowels -Pronunciation: Difficult Consonants -Greetings -Plurals -Gender -Noun-Adjective Agreement -Introduction to the Definite Article -Introduction to Pronouns -Subject Pronouns -Formal and Informal You ('Usted' and 'Tú') -Capitalization -Stress and Accent Marks -Introduction to Conjugation -Introduction to the Present Tense -Conjugating Regular Verbs in the Present Tense -Negation: 'No' and Related Words -Adjectives and Word Order -Inroduction to Prepositions -Colors -Adjectives of Quantity -Using the Preposition "De" -Introduction to "Ser" and "Estar" -Possessive Adjectives (Short Form) -Demonstrative Adjectives -Interrogative Pronouns -Counting: Cardinal Numbers -Interrogative Adjectives -Introduction to Adverbs -Counting: Cardinal Numbers -Interrogative Adjectives -Plural Indefinite Articles ('Unos' and 'Unas') -Indefinite Adjectives -Comparisons of Inequality -Making Adverbs from Adjectives -Adverbs Not Ending in '-Mente' -Preposition 'A' -Preposition 'En' -Preposition 'Para' -Preposition 'Por' -Preposition 'Con' -Speaking of the Future -Introduction to the Future Tense -Prepositional Object Pronouns -Direct Object Pronouns -Indirect Object Pronouns -Body Parts -Possessive Pronouns -Using "Estar" for "To Be" -Using "Ser" for "To Be" -Using "Gustar" for "To Like" -Two Simple Past Tenses -Conjugating Regular Verbs in the Preterite -Using "Haber" -Conjugating Verbs in the Imperfect -Present Participles
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French Review by MARILYN
I learned French 50 years ago in high school. I wanted to review so I may converse easily in French again. I found this program easy to review, relearn or learn a new. I also found the program easy to move through. It seems to be a through study guide.
Awesome Resource by Nellieyah
Great resource that goes well beyond beginner as far as I'm concerned. I like the colors, and the organization. Clicking between long lists of vocabulary can be a little tiresome though, and I wish they had a master vocab list to skip to what you really want.
by Priscilla
Learn French is a very good app with an extensive orderly vocabulary. There is a teaching unit, that covers alphabets to parts of speech. The testing units allows for reviews in both oral and written formats.
Slow Pace Learner APROVED by Maurice
Love the pronunciation is quite accurate, easy to follow for a slow learner
SUPER by yadhu