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Let's face it... Italian cooking is really “the mama” of all European cooking. The French stole it. The Germans longed for it. The Spanish wish they had as good of a press agent. But really there is no doubt about it. Italian cuisine rocks...
“...hand-picked quality selection of recipes. I like this 100 times better than being inundated by a 1000 or more recipes. Well done. Step-by-step descriptions and photos – makes you dream about going to Italy. And on top of it all there is a glossary with photos and stories about all the important Italian specialties...” - Kocherüb3
“Like the Cook's Encyclopedia app, this one is a detailed, step-by-step instructional cookbook!! I really, really like the pictures that accompany each step, from making pizza dough to making lasagna.... this app will remain one of my absolute favorites!” - LaDanaWendy
"Italian Cooking" is like 2 weeks in a private cooking school in Tuscany. Got a unquenchable desire to whip up an Osso Buco at 4 in the morning? Try that at the vila. You're gonna getta chased back to your room with a bigga knife. With our app you're the capo. Yes like the cuisine itself this app is the mama of all Italian cooking apps.
OK so you're having friends over and you'd like to make them a “Sogliola ai carciofi.” Non ti preoccupare. You pop open "Italian Cooking" where you quickly find a stunning photograph of the dish, with all the required ingredients and our famous photo-illustrated clear and concise instructions. So with your tablet in hand you head for the market and again open our app where we have already drawn up your shopping list. Indietro nella vostra cucina... you make a meal that your friends and family will be talking about (in a good way) for at least the next few generations. Want them slapping thier heads and weeping openly with joy and admiration? Finish the meal off with a Zuccoto for dessert. Mama mia!
“Italian Cooking” has everything you need to a completely master the art of cucina italiana. Each recipe is hand-picked, curated, and extensively tested. This is five star authentic stuff. Like everything at .B-APPs this App is completely made from scratch... no warmed over Internet shovel-ware or stale repackaged material from a publishe's overrun. Trust us, we are accredited culinary professionals and we have the silly pants and hats to prove it.
Like all .B-Apps our user interface is superb. And the search tool is as good as it gets. Type in a keyword and next thing you know you're in the kitchen making an amazing meal. And what would a .B-APP be without stunning photos? .B-APPs founder and world renowned food photographer Günter Beer has taken over 500 gorgeous photos just for this app. These photos allow you the user to be in the kitchen learning the secrets of Italian cooking, step by step and up close and personal.
Unlike some other cooking apps everything is contained on your device you'll never curse your router or your fat phone bill. All .B-Apps function perfectly and efficiently without wifi or the Internet.