English (United States)
iDeductible 2014, the popular tax app from the App Store is now available for Windows 8! Named one of the top 5 Tax Preparation Apps in the App Store by Mobilewalla! (March 23, 2012) iDeductible will work with Windows 8 & 8.1.
Our "2014 Edition Update" section looks at the recently passed tax laws that will effect your 2013 & 2014 returns, including all the tax changes associated with the Affordable Care Act, known as ObamaCare.
Have you ever:
Been out to dinner with a client? Been sent to a company convention by your employer? Started a part time business? Incurred unexpected medical expenses for you or a family member? Enrolled in a college class or was sent to training by your employer? Borrowed money for your education? Paid alimony to an ex-spouse? Just bought your first home? Hired a tax preparer?
Sold investment property? Sold jewelry or other collectables? Changed jobs and had a retirement plan distributed to you? Drawn unemployment compensation? Won a prize in a raffle or money at a casino? Received social security or disability payments? Had debt canceled through foreclosure or credit card settlement? Settled a lawsuit? Receive child support or alimony payments? Sold your house? Received an inheritance or gift? Been awarded a scholarship? Received workers’ compensation benefits?
If so, then you need this “iDeductible” app for your Windows 8 Device.
This app will tell you whether the above situations, or any of the other 300+ situations discussed in the app, are deductible and/or on your income taxes, and where to report these deductions. It is laid out in a simple to use format reviewing deductions in the following categories:
Employment Deductions - This category will include travel, education, and job expenses and what the limitations are on the items that are deductible (or what criteria you need to satisfy so the expenses will be deductible).
Self-Employed Deductions - This category discusses the tax code’s definition of what self employed taxpayers can deduct and lists several common deductions you can use whether you are self employed full time, part time, or as an independent contractor.
Personal Deductions - This category reviews over 150 personal expenses you may have during the year, whether they are deductible, and where to report them on your tax return (including almost 100 different types of medical expenses).
Investment Deductions - This category discusses the money you spend while trying to make money, including a section on real estate rental properties.
PLUS - What types of income are taxable, what types are non-taxable, or, if the income’s taxability depends on certain conditions.
iDeductible will link you with the Internal Revenue Service InteractiveTax Assistant to help you specific questions, and has a link that lets you track the status of your refund after you have filed your return.
The author iDeductible recently retired from the Tax Consulting Business after 26 years where he worked for major tax firms and was self employed in his own tax business.
Disclaimer: This app is designed to give you a general tax knowledge of how certain types of income is treated by the Tax Code. It is not meant to substitute for professional advice concerning how these deductions apply your individual tax situation. Always consult a tax professional on any questions concerning your individuals taxes.
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Easy to Navigate by Cubby
The information is good and it is really easy to find an answer to tax questions. I suppose you could get all of this on the IRS website, but it would take you a much longer time.