English (United States)
Everyone's a winner with the Hungry Jack's App.
Check-in at any Hungry Jack's® store and shake your phone to reveal your prize. You can't lose – every shake wins!
Prizes include free Coke, free fries, 2 for 1 deals and many more great discounts across our menu.
The app also includes: • A handy store locator • The full Hungry Jack's® menu • A useful nutritional calculator
Please note that the Shake and Win App requires 3G connectivity, so will only work on 3G-capable Apple devices. In order to check-in and win, you will need a Facebook account.
Troubleshooting Tips:
1. App crashing or stalling? Apps require a certain allocation of memory to run properly. If you're experiencing performance issues, check your phone has sufficient memory available, close down other apps you're not using, or restart your device. If you still experience difficulty, we recommend closing down the app completely and launching it again. If that doesn't work, delete and reinstall the app completely as a last resort before contacting us.
2. No Prizes left? We monitor the prize pool to make sure there are plenty to go around. Occasionally, the prize pool may be temporarily depleted, in which case we recommend returning to a store to shake and win again after 24 hours to try again.
3. Can't check-in? Store not being detected? Check that the GPS function on your phone is turned on. If it is, but you still can't check in, you may need to carry out a GPS fix. Note this may be called ‘Cell Network Location' on your phone, depending on the maker.
The strength of your GPS signal will also depend upon the network you use and quality of your 3G connection. Signal strength varies across different service providers, locations, and the volume of other users in your area. If you have had problems in the past loading maps or other location services, it's likely this will be due to your device's connectivity, which is not the fault of a particular app.
Newly opened Hungry Jack's stores may take a week or two to be loaded into our systems, so we ask for your patience if you can't immediately check in to a new store.
We hope this Troubleshooting information is of assistance to you. If you are having problems that can't be resolved by the points above, please let us know by clicking the ‘Email Developer' button below, or send an email to [email protected].
To help us try and get to the bottom of your issue, please supply us with the following information. We require all of this information in order to be able to assist you.
Please fill out the subject line of your email with: ‘Hungry Jack's App Issue'.
• Phone make and model: • Detailed description of your problem: • Screen grabs of what is happening: • Store name & location (if your issue is GPS-related):
After receiving all of the above, we will attempt to replicate your experience to see how we can help. On occasion, it may not be possible for us to recreate your issue. In this instance, we will keep an eye out for similar feedback from other users that might help us help you.
We thank you for your continued support and feedback.
Hungry Jack's® Team.