English (United States)
House value is for people who want to keep track of their house value or keep track of a few houses you care about. Powered by Zillow data, get the latest Zestimate, see some quick stats, look at some charts and monitor changes from the live tile. Pin your favorites houses to the Start screen to get the data without opening it.
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Not working by Aaron
the Zillow app gives free info but this app wants to be paid for doing nothing
Good start, but incorrect data by George
- Does not work properly with condo (where many units are located at single streen address) - Reports unrealistic data (eg property taxes) - No way to drill thru data, or return back to search results - No way to store properties for future reference - No way to choose a property from the map
Great, but needs some work by Blair
Love it. Great idea, works well, and is interesting. My only complaint is that if you type an address it doesn't recognize, it does nothing. I would have expected an error message but nothing happens which makes the app seem inoperable. Otherwise I am pleased.
zillow is good by Wendy
need captions on all its videos and what's spoken or not for deaf and hard of hearing people. tyvm
does not open by Joel
will not open to use
incredible home site by Angel
I love all from this site its the only one I always use
It does not work on my computer in windows 10 by Louise
It will not open up or accept a city, state or zip
Wonderful by Nathan
this program has made my Life much easier; A great tool for property investors