English (United States)
An-Nawawi's "Forty Hadith Qudsi" is a famous collection of hadiths (the sayings of the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him) collected by a 7th century Islamic scholar named Imam Yahia bin Sharaful-Deen An-Nawawi. Hadith Qudsi (or Sacred Hadith) are so named because their authority is traced back not to the Prophet but to the Almighty. A Sacred Hadith is, as to the meaning, from Allah the Almighty; as to the wording, it is from the Prophet (peace be upon him). This free application contains both text and audio with an option of Arabic or English, and it does not use data connection since all audio contents are embedded making it readily playable anywhere even when flying. This App is targeted towards English speaking users, but it also contains text, graphics and audio which are in Arabic.
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award of excelllence by BUSAYREE
this is an almost perfect application. and I am proud of it and the designers
Great reference by Misbahudeen
Great for quick reference. Thanks to he developers
learning arabic by airis
I am teaching myself Arabic and quran.... Any of you willing to help me a tad bit?! I would really appreciate it! I am female so would prefer another female to message me.. my kik messenger on my phone Is aeitp2b. Thanks again and GOD BLESS
Forty Hadith Qudsi by Karen
A beautiful application! Options to have the Hadiths shuffling on your Windows screen is a major plus. Hadiths may be read to you with a clear recitation or choose to read them on your own. Perfect app for seeing and reading the words of the profit Mohammad each time you open your computer! I consider this app a MUST have application. Check it out and see for yourself.
I like this App by Tasrin
I like this App