Deutsch (Deutschland) English (United States)
Making the perfect cup of tea. Earl's TeaTime is a simple to use but powerful tea timer.
Features: - Enter your favorite teas - Image, name, type and steeping time can be saved for each kind of tea - Saved teas can be altered or removed - By using the built-in timer, the optimum cooling down / steeping time can be achieved. - As an audible reminder the timer uses a signal tone, vibration alert or songs from media libary - The reminder timespan is adjustable in steps of 10 seconds - The total reminder timespan is 59 minutes - A list of pre-stored teas is provided
New in version 2.0 - Pictures from picture hub can be used as background pictures - Better integration for light background mode - Improved reminder/alarm handling - More responsive switching between pages
New in version 2.5 - Statistics on tea consumption can be optionally shown on start screen - The input form allows to enter additional information and notes - Every tea can be rated from 1 to 10 stars - The tea list can be sorted via drag and drop
New in version 2.6 - Bugfixes - The selected alarm sound can be tested directly on the alarm page - The statistics are now resetable
New in version 2.7 - A different tea picture can be assigned for every tea in tea data page - This tea image can be shown on timer page when timer is running.
New in version 3.0 - Multi-timer functionality - Backup and export data and settings to Skydrive
New in version 3.1 - Live-Tile functionality
New in version 3.2 - Bugfixes
New in version 3.3 - Changed tile background color from orange to transparent
If you have questions or would like anything added, please send me an email at [email protected]
Enjoy your tea without ads and download Earl's TeaTime+
People also like
by Jacob
Absolutely great
by David
Great app. Now I will have perfect tea all the time.
by ogambear
This is a worthwhile and well-made app for tea-drinkers who brew their tea from loose leaves. The backgrounds are appropriate and high quality. The settings are easy to navigate and set. I recommend this app and look forward to future development.
by I Sneaky Pete I