English (United States)
We give you a complete encyclopedia of dictators around the world! Dictators most rigid, authoritarian leaders, those at the head of the dictatorial regime and the sole ruler of the state, have unlimited power and standing above the law. The entire twentieth century passed under their decrees and will. Pinochet, Hitler, Mussolini, Stalin, di Salazar, Mao Zedong, General Franco, Kim Jong Il, Hugo Chavez, Hosni Mubarak, Lukashenko, Castro - all of them for a long time and is firmly inscribed their names in the history of their countries and states. Its decisions, laws, wars, repression and, of course, the term innings. Strengths and weaknesses, dreadful and terrible, and large-scale random - they are all made public flinch, to admire, to cry or to reflect on the meaning of life...
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by Pavel
Now I know that everyone in profile)
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