English (United States)
Improve your skills and become a cribbage expert! Cribbage classic has a number of settings that can help you to learn the best move for your situation and offer assistance if it notices that you are making a sub-optimal play. Or just play in fast mode where all counting is done for you and you get to simply focus on discarding and pegging. By tweaking the settings you can take this app anywhere from a lazy-thoughtless-time-waster game to a skill-sharpening-master-tutorial helping you to crush your next opponent. Statistics are also kept so you can see your average pegging score, your average hand score, and your average crib score! Also shows you a summary of all of the suboptimal plays you made at the end of the game and tracks your error rate over time so you can see yourself improving.
Cribbage Classic also has a "Discard Analyzer" bonus feature that can help you decide on the optimal discard to play given a particular cribbage hand. Analyzer shows you the minimum, maximum and average score for each permutation along with an in depth statistical analysis of all possible flip card results.
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Very good, but flawed. by Steve
Pro level is challenging, but the AI's gameplay is flawed. For example, way too often the computer leads with a Jack when pegging, or leaves itself open to a run of 3 or more when better plays are available. On the plus side, the ability to take back a move when you mis-click a card is a welcome change, compared to other games. Also, the teaching mode is excellent--best feature of the game, by far. I'd like to have more sounds in the game, when cards are dealt and played.
Excellent game with various levels by kathy
Three levels of standard cribbage, easy, standard, and pro for those who already know how to play. Settings include showing best play and rib choice. Also statistics on play. Enjoyable and accurate
Not a great AI by Mark
The difference between easy, standard, and pro is not the level of play that the computer raises, it just gets dealt better cards. Way better. I'm sure the response will be the cards are random. You will never convince me. The deck is stacked to improve the level of play. At the standard level, the computer receives more 5s than is even remotely statistically possible just to make it appear as if it's better than the easy level. It's not playing any better, it just gets dealt a rigged hand.
Very Good Game and will continue to play, BUT!!!! by George C
I have played cribbage for the last 50 plus years and have played in 4 championship tournaments in my short 75 year lifetime and finished in the top 6 in all. In pro mode when first starting to play I could beat the computer 60% of the time. Now the computer defies logic in drawing cards and wins 90% of the time. I still like to play but you might want to fix the computer logic for drawing hands in pro mode.
Good for learning the game by Tim
It has the same problems as most online cribbage games in that the computer has a way of dealing out streaks of unbelievable hands to one side or another, mostly to its own benefit. I've gone through stretches where it is giving itself 12 to 20 pts. in every hand and dealing out 2 to 6 pt. hands to the player, which makes it a bit tough to win and is not like real cribbage where large hands are much rarer. However, because it is a computer it pegs poorly so experienced players can usually make up ground there. I manage to win more than I lose but only just. I actually find that the Pro setting is easier to beat than the Standard which is where you will often run into more of the hand inequity mentioned above. Other than that the graphics are great and the point counting feature is a good learning tool for those who are new to the game.
When you are counting your points be careful by Julie
When you manually count your points the button that says finished counting can very easily be mistakenly clicked thus goofing up your game. When playing Pro level the Pro hand always seems to get the cut and looks like it averages at least 12 pts a hand.
AI needs work by Mark
Recommended for players who are new to Cribbage, but old hands might want to pass. Crib card selection and AI pegging leave a bit to be desired. Standard and Pro levels are reasonably challenging, but Easy is way too easy.
Fun but fixed by Ray
it is impossible in normal play of this game using regular cards for anyone to continually have the most perfect hand, yet the computer continually has just that. I have been playing cribbage for over 40 years, I have won many championships and titles, yet the computer player continually has the perfect hand and the perfect crib and of the course the UP card is always just what the computer player always needs. This game is "RIGGED" or "FIXED" however you wish to call it