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User-rating:4.6 ( 833 Reviews )
Publisher:Nikoni apps
Language supported:
English (United States)
OS:Windows 10, Windows 10 Mobile, Windows Phone 8.1
Architecture:ARM, x86, x64
OS:Windows 10, Windows 10 Mobile, Windows Phone 8.1
Architecture:ARM, x86, x64
Chive ON is probably the best app for properly the best website in the world.
Here you can browse the many galleries of The Chive. You can find: The latest galleries Video galleries Top rated galleries (all time, month, week) Browse by categories
You can watch videos directly Like/dislike galleries Search Save pictures to your phone Share with friends Save as favorites
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( 833 Reviews )
People also like
by James
What guy wouldn't love this app?
by Dominick
The best Chive app for windows phone!!!!
by Ramsey
Great stuff
by John
Shows thumbnails, comments, and all videos. Best chive app out there
Does the job by chris
The new ui is annoying and you can't share the album anymore it only sends a link of the photo.
Crashes TOO much by Daniel
Great app, but crashes WAY too much.
by Gregory
Great app!!!
About ChiveOn
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