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Category:Food & dining
User-rating:4.8 ( 5 Reviews )
Language supported:
English (United States) Čeština (Česká Republika) Deutsch (Deutschland) Suomi (Suomi)
OS:Windows 10, Windows 10 Mobile, Windows Phone 8.1
Architecture:ARM, x86, x64
OS:Windows 10, Windows 10 Mobile, Windows Phone 8.1
Architecture:ARM, x86, x64
Your personal shopping assistant! BuyFood is a compact app for your shopping list, storage and recipe collection. All functions of the app are intertwined, purchased products appear immediately in your stock, optionally also with shelf life. Apply recipes to quickly add ingredients to the shopping list. BuyFood is your companion for grocery shopping. By setting durability data, you are always informed when products approach the expiration date Through the Live Tile of the app, you are always informed whether products are running in the near future.
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( 5 Reviews )
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by Nick
Very good app.
Good app, i like it! by Ondrej
Best app for shopping! Thank you for this app! :)
About buyFood - shopping and inventories