English (United States)
This is a classic Bow Man shooting game. If you like Bow Man bird hunting mode, you will definitely like this one. Lots of animals are approaching and attacking you. Be armed with bow and arrows, and your mission is getting stronger and hunting more. # 3 special arrows to use. # 14 bows to equip. # Strength: increases the damage of arrows. # Agility: increases shooting frequency. # Life: increases hit points. # Repelling: forces animals back for distance. # Penetration: enables arrows pierce through targets. # Multi Arrows: shoots more than one arrows at a time. Enjoy the game and let's see for how long you can survive in it. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Any feedback please contact via feedback@regamestudio.com
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by Kha
Thanks for such a good game. Gameplay is simple but attractive. Here's some drawbacks: Monsters become stronger and increase in quantity but rewards from killing don't go higher, that's nonsense you developers! Most of money got is from finishing levels. So there's no way to farm gold rapidly, obviously when gold got from killing is about ⅓ from winning a stage. In case you lose a level, you'll need to replay it times to times (more than necessary for a simple game like this) to pass it. That drives me mad, and there's not only me, I guess. So I hope you developers could adjust gold rates so that it can fit to process of the game. Thank you so much of you could see my honest feedback. Sorry for my bad English. Thanks!
by Aaron
I find that I have a love/hate relationship with this game. I love the graphics, the sound, the music, the simplicity, the sense of mastery. I still hate clearing dogs off my leg. My finger covers them up so I can't see if I miss. (PRO TIP: Click behind the archer and you'll nail 'em right in the nose, every time.) I hate how fast the strength upgrades become obsolete. This essentially requires one to spend everything on strength at the expense of everything else. (Really, max it!)I love the piercing skill but hate how useless it feels to upgrade bow speed. Maybe if piercing and knockback were switched, because that feels like the natural combination of the skills. (Strength + Piercing, Speed +Knockback) I also love the new bar that shows how far into the level you progressed. I really hate having to uninstall and reinstall the game in order to change how I upgraded my skills. It would be really nice if I didn't have to do that. I also love the improved tutorial. That is a nice touch.
by User
Ok guys here are some tips to do well in game. First if you get to half hp or below on a non-boss wave, restart the level. You're going to want as many crystals as possible. Don't be so picky on boss waves though. Just be happy that you beat those :). 3 crystals is enough. Never buy the special arrows. Just don't waste them. Use them on bosses as needed. Also damage is more important than agility in most cases. Reach wave 70 with those tips in mind and get the lvl 70 bow. The game just got easy gg. You can now perfect every wave. Max multishot and now save for the 300 crystal bow. Get that around wave 172 and you basically won. Bosses can't do anything to you now, if they even could before. Yes you have to grind a bit in the early levels but beat wave 70 and you will not have to repeat any more waves.
by justin
Not bad, controls are a little clunky