English (United States)
I have tried writing a strong pattern matching algorithm to resolve the K-Map. If you find any expression that is not correctly resolved using this application, please use the feedback page to provide a feedback. Let me know the expression that misbehaved and I'll fix the algorithm. Only app which automatically resolves K-Maps and displays all possible results. Yes an expression can have more then one result. It also includes interactive Truth Table, interactive K-Map and awesome looking interactive circuit diagram. Continuum is supported, you can have a beautiful remote to control the main app.
Features - Add any complex expression to resolve including brackets, various negate signs. Truth Table can be directly edited to provide custom input. K-Map as usual are the celebrities of this app. And now more powerful then earlier versions. Edit them to provide custom input, tap on the colored result(s) to view amazing animation of corresponding values in the KMap and lot more. Circuit diagram is the new show stopper of this app. It automatically generates circuit for the resolved expression. Moreover input Connectors of the circuit can be tapped to change the input from High(Green) to Low(Red) and vis a vis. Again as usual Normal forms provides Minterms, Maxterms, Sum of Products and Product of Sums info. Continuum Remote can be used to control the app running on primary screen from secondary screen.
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by Ryan
Wish I had found this before the end of my semester...
by gopikrishnan
Awesome!!! Great app
by Tairo
Nice. Please add not, xor, nand tks