English (United States) Bahasa Indonesia (Indonesia)
To serve customer better, BCA launches the BCA mobile application. An application that allows you to do transactions via Mobile Banking BCA (m-BCA) and the smartphone version of KlikBCA.
How to use: m-BCA - To use our m-BCA service, you need to register at one of our ATM or the nearest BCA branch for cellular number that you will use. - Download the BCA mobile application. - Select m-BCA on the BCA mobile menu. Make your own Kode Akses (access code) to gain permission to access m-BCA. - If the activation has yet to be done, the customer will be asked to enter their m-BCA PIN to start the activation process. - After the activation process is successful, you can directly do transactions with m-BCA.
KlikBCA - To use our KlikBCA service, you need to register at one of our ATM or the nearest BCA Branch - Download the BCA mobile application. - Select KlikBCA on the BCA mobile menu as a launcher, the application will automatically redirect to our smartphone version of KlikBCA’s website (https://m.klikbca.com)
For further assistant, call Halo BCA at 1500888 via cellular phone
Enjoy using the BCA mobile.
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Support for Flazz BCA via NFC by iheb
Please add the option to check flazz bca balance using NFC
Keep updating! by Ilham
This app is really great. Thank you BCA for bringing this to Windows Mobile. Please keep updating for better stability.
Great Support from BCA by Yordan
Great Support from BCA,keep the update and maintenance.
by Dede Yusuf
Force close kalo buka inbox m-transfer. Please fix it ✌
by Amru
Setelah update yang terakhir, setiap akses inbox jadi force close. Mohon segera di fix :-)