English (United States)
English Bangla Bidirectional Dictionary.
Here you can search English words to find it's Bangla meaning. You can also search Bangla words and find it's English meaning. This is a bidirectional Dictionary.
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Great !!! I think this app will satisfy you all by Abdur
I think you will always make this app updated so that we can always find the latest word in that dictionary ...
Good by Ibnul
It is usable but there are no option menu or any history or anything. We even can't see any word without writing anything in search box, there should be pages with word first to last like book page and there should be option menu with needed options. Hope the developer will upgrade it soon and add some option and pages to read from first to last.
Xoss by Tawhid
I want this type of dictionary. but can't find it. but you are done great job.. thanks for it
Great work by Mehedee
I appreciate all who created this awesome work. All work well. But it is little bit to slow. We are waiting to get more Bengali meanings of words.
Good by Srijon
Very good app . I use this app almost everyday . I am waiting for more updates.
it's great.....beautiful........... by raana
nice software bangla dictionary....for totally long nice............
Awsome by Nirjhar
Thanks for their hard work. If you are a Bangladeshi its a must download for you. :D