2nd Grade Math Learning Games - Addition , Subtraction , Time & Geometry

English (United States)
2nd Grade Maths learning makes math fun and engaging for kids. The app reinforces key math skills with an interactive, self-paced and adaptive math program. With 30 minutes, 4 times a week - you can sharpen your child’s math skills at every grade and skill level.
Mathcards is a curriculum based (ELA / Common Core) mathematical game series. This series designed for simplicity keeping kids learning in mind. If you are thinking of Homeschool, or After-school teaching, learning activities, you made a right choice.
This tutoring series will definitely help your kids to progress in fun-filled environment. Our target is to create a series of mathematical games, puzzles and activity for first grade, second grade, third grade, fourth grade, fifth grade and sixth grade. Please check back Appstore for additional updates.
Mathcards are worksheets for fast and simple learning workout. If you think, your kid need higher or lower level for practice, browse through our various option for flashcard. These worksheets problem cover basic arithmetic operations such as addition, multiplication, subtraction, division, fractions and decimal. Your suggestions are reviews are also welcomed and we will try to implement those changes in the next series.
With this game, you can expect your Kids to be engaged in Mathematical activities for long time. It’s an interactive application with six engaging kids games or activities: • Learn to count numbers from 1 to 10. • Writing and spell numbers • Identifying greater and smaller numbers • Find missing numbers and arrange them in ascending and descending order. • Learning number names • Connecting dots to form a picture with a sub-activity to solve the puzzles. • This Kids Math app is one of the extremely useful, education free games for kids because the activity of counting numbers has been presented in an innovative manner for kids apart from being free on the iphone and ipad platform. • This application does well as a missing number game for kids also apart from serving as a useful aid for learning number counting. It has the potential of being one of the most useful games for math for kids. • This fantastic math problem solver helps children to learn mathematics with ease. Some examples of these types of concept include: • Greater than and lesser than • Find missing number • Arrange numbers in ascending and descending order • If you are looking for a free math app to install, then this math game app is the ideal for the preschooler, kindergarten, and children of grade 1. Available for free at App Store, this application will serve effective brain-refreshers for your child and toddlers. • This free kids game is fun and intuitive game for babies, toddlers and children. A child-oriented application having math game for kindergarten, preschool and grades grade 1, grade 2. • After playing this cool math game, your kids definitely will calculate faster. • Progressive Level for basic mathematical operation • Based on Grade (1st, 2nd and 3rd Addition, Subtraction Multiplication, and division levels are included. • for advanced grades 4th, 5th and 6th - Decimals, fractions and exponent are included. • Every-time a new set of cards is generated • Choice of 10, 20, 30, 40 and 50 cards • You can choose multiple choice or keyboard mode • You can choose level for playing
Good luck for your homeschooling and afterschool studies.
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papapapappapapapapa by Stephanie
I don't like the 3therd one beacus it has big numbers I like the 1first one beacus it has little numbers.
so far so good by Molli
have not tried it all yet but looks good and fun for my 8 year old.
love it by Gibran
its fine put x by Amanda
you don't have x
cool by Paige
nothing I like it
lots of fun by Ernest
my daughter had lots of fun. seemed a little easy for her but a great tool to keep her fresh.