English (United States)
Proverbial wisdom from around the world. More than a thousand short proverbs that sum up the wisdom of the ages in a few words. This is what some great people had to say about Proverbs: "There is often more spiritual force in a proverb than in whole philosophical systems." - Thomas Carlyle "Proverbs are short sentences drawn from long experience." - Miguel De Cervantes "Proverbs are mental gems gathered in the diamond fields of the mind." - William R. Alger "They are like the clue in the labyrinth, or the compass in the night." - Joseph Joubert In this app, you will find proverbs from many different countries: * American Indian Proverb * Chinese Proverb * English Proverb * Yiddish Proverb * Italian Proverb * Scottish Proverb * Arabic Proverb * Japanese Proverb * Danish proverb * African Proverb Use these to become a better person. Read a proverb and think about the inherent wisdom in it. You can also share the proverbs by: * Email * SMS * Twitter * Facebook You can save proverbs as favorites for future reference. The app comes with 5 different backgrounds that you can configure from “Settings”.
People also like
by Shamail
by Richard
I really enjoy reading these thought-provoking proverbs. The favorites function is great for saving the proverbs that you wish to read again in the future. Thank you for creating this neat app.
by Kerrie
Some things to really think about
Cool app
by Alexander
Great collection of proverbs and nuggets of wisdom, someone definitely took there time putting this one together.
by Nelson
by Acheampong
Really cool app,would have given it 5 star if there to be music playing at the background..big UPS guys