English (United States)
إحزر 4 صور في كلمة واحدة
**** لعبة سهلة , مجانية , ممتعة جدا و شيقة و سريعة التعلم ****
**** لا توجد قوانين معقدة ****
*** لا تحتاج للتنزيل فقط قم يتحميل اللعبة وإبدأ المرح **** ****مثال*** ما هوالرابط بين أربع صور لهم نفس الللون
Welcome to Guess the 4 Pic In 1 Word.
Guess the 4 Pic In 1 Word is a free game So simple, so addictive and so much fun!
Be careful! Some puzzles are tricky, challenge your self and guess the four pictures and only one word.
PURE, INSTANT FUN No registration, no complicated rules. Just start playing and have fun!
SIMPLE AND HIGHLY ADDICTIVE GAMEPLAY Which are we looking for? Look at the four pictures; find out what they have in common. Win!
EXAMPLES What the 4 pictures have in common they all have the color pink in them Keep guessing and use your brain when puzzles become tricky
Enjoy nice graphics and beautiful high quality photos.
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حلوة by AyOuB