English (United States)
Get the current weather conditions and 5-day forecasts in your city & anywhere in the world!
Rain or shine, wind or snow; Weather Forecast HD - World Weather Reports gives you an accurate weather report of the current weather conditions and forecasts in your city and just about any location from around the world! All kinds of weather are brought to life on your device, with spectacular images which dynamically change to reflect real-time weather conditions.
View the current weather conditions including: • Today’s Minimum temperature and Maximum temperature • “Feels like” temperature • Wind direction and speed • Humidity details • Air Pressure information • Precipitation information (rain, snow, hail etc.) • Visibility details
✓ Weather forecast of the next 4 days with Minimum temperature and Maximum temperature. ✓ A GPS tracker to identify your current location and display the current weather conditions there. ✓ View weather conditions and forecasts for over 2 million cities from around the world. ✓ Add up to any number of locations and track the weather conditions & forecasts of each of them. ✓ Swipe the screen left or right to switch between chosen locations ✓ Dynamic weather background with changing animations, to reflect real-time weather conditions and also day time / night time of any given location. ✓ Textual display of weather conditions like Overcast, Icy fog, Light Sleet, Moderate Snow etc. ✓ Displays current time and date of chosen locations ✓ Hourly updates of both current weather conditions and forecasts. ✓ Choose between 12 hour or 24 hour time display ✓ Choose between metric or imperial units for the temperature and wind speed: Celsius/Fahrenheit and Miles/Kilometers
Don’t ever let the weather take you by surprise again! Get Weather Forecast HD - World Weather Reports now and stay abreast of weather conditions and forecasts anywhere, anytime!
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Very nice design but no live tile by Denis
I like the look & feel of this app, very fast and great UI. I would give it 5* and would pay for it with pleasure if it had a live tile. What a pity the developer missed the perfect app by so close...
by Keith
I like it because all of the information that you need, is giving at a quick glance. Awesome...
by Ralph
Very well but together all the weather you need
by Alex
Add a live tile
by Craig
Great app. Lots of good info situated well on screen.
by thongdam
by Carmen
Excellent forecast. This app does a great job of displaying all the needed information for the weather of the day.