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New version with sunrise and sunset times for every location. Learn about geography, plan your next vacation or event, or just browse through maps and charts to satisfy your curiosity. Weather Stats is your one authoritative source for finding monthly weather records and averages for more than 26,820 cities in 250 countries worldwide. The climatological information database is used by permission from weatherbase.com. Weather Stats accurately shows high, low and average temperatures and precipitation data. Statistical database is updated every quarter. Most functions of the app (excluding mapping and full-text search) work both offline and online. Various units and search methods are supported. Voronoi tessellations can optionally be shown on the map to visualize appropriate regions for each weather station. App also integrates with Bing local search to bring you weather history information for your favorite places within one click. Weather Stats is absolutely free and contains no advertisement.
People also like
Phenomenal. So informative and great UI! Nice job. Will give 5 stars once the database is updated.
by Michael
Love the simplicity of design and comprehensive level of key weather data averages.
by Paul
Nice to be able to look at the stats
by Jonathan
Excellent, the my position feature and calendar option takes you to the data for your location.
by Player685517971
Very useful for travel planning. Efficient with lots of locations. This is a "Weather STATS" app, average climate info. This is great for that. It's not intended to give daily weather so don't complain that it doesn't. Read the description.
by User
by Sean
Lots of fun for weather stats!