English (United States)
Weather Reader provides the weather forecast based on the locations of your choosing. Forecasts are provided by the National Weather Service (www.weather.gov). This application only provides weather for locations in the United States. -Search for a location by Name or Zip code or have the application detect your location -Tap the location to retrieve that locations forecast -To have the forecast read aloud tap the "Read Weather" button. Tap again to stop it from reading the entire forecast. -If you want a specific portion of the forecast read, tap that entry in the list -Application will load the forecast of the last selected location on next start, unless option to always use current location is selected. -Live Tile will update with current weather of last selected city, unless option to always use current location is selected. If any hazardous weather warnings are issued for that city, a number will show the number of advisories. -Tap Hazardous weather items to view alert Change Log v1.0.4.4-Additional error handling when forecast cannot be retrieved from weather.gov site v1.0.4.1-Bug Fix v1.0.4-Added setting for number of weather items to read, fixed "Read Weather" button issue where tapping it does not immediately stop speech. v1.0.3.1-Minor fix v1.0.3-Added hazardous weather support v1.0.2-Added live tile support v1.0.1-Added option to read weather of last selected city on startup
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by john
Great idea , weather read to you from reliable NWS, because
by Michael
IMO the National Weather Service daily forecast provides the best, most useful weather information out there. This is the only app I've found that allows me to instantly access that, plus their weather alerts. Great tool.
by Max
Best weather app!
by User
Not bad at all. I like where it gets the information from. Live tile works decently enough. Just a bit behind sometimes. It keeps asking me to rate it. This is the 10th time!!!
by Sheryl
The tile won't update unless I go on the app. It's been a month and still won't change unless I get on it.