English (United States)
Disassemble and assemble weapons - assault rifles and submachine guns, or fire it, or study how it works, or compete with your friends..
This game is your personal armory. You can disassembly such guns, as: - AK (also known as AK-47 or Kalashnikov Assault rifle) - VSS Vintorez (special sniper rifle) - AK-74M (as known as 5.45 mm Kalashnikov Assault rifle) - SR-3M (special assault rifle) - AKS-74U (the shortened Kalashnikov for special operations and police operations) - M4A1 Carabine - APS (Stechkin Automatic Pistol) - APB (Silent automatic pistol) - PM (Makarov Pistol) - Glock 17 - M1911-A1 (aka Colt 1911) - TT (Tulsky Tokarev pistol) - PP-19 Bizon - Steyr AUG - MP-40 - PPS-43 - PPSh-41 - SVD - Nagant revolver - Thompson SMG - Mosin rifle - DP-27 machinegun - Mauser C96 M711 - Luger "Parabellum" P08 - Walther P38 - GSh-18 - M1 Garand - G36 - MP5 - P90
Weapons disassembly and assembly are not only you can do, also you can learn how each one fires in different modes: automatic, single, without some details...
Will be differrent rifles, guns, machineguns, pistols and other weapon in future.
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by Тимофей
Приложение отлично сделано! Уважаемые создатели, прошу вас делать обновления для этой программы дальше. Еще раз спасибо. Хотелось бы видеть еще ряд моделей в этом приложении Винтовку мосина ППШ 41 Ппс Пистолет Маузер с96 Пистолет пулемет мп 40 Пулемет максима Пкм Пистолет p08 Пистолет p38 Пулемет мг 34 Револьвер Наган Винтовку маузера K98 Пистолет пулемет Стен мк 2 Пистолет пулемет Томпсона Мы ( пользователи) будем очень рады добавлению этих моделей, и от души благодарны за то, что вы создали это приложение.
by Purple
Лучший симулятор. Добавьте: ОЦ-14 "Гроза" UZI MP5 Ну и пистолетов каких нибудь
Best Field Stripping Game Out There by Samuel
Great Simulation for these guns the X-ray may need to be worked on, on some weapons like the AK-74 so you can see the trigger mechanism slow motion spot on I did find a glitch were I can't put the slide back on, on the Glock-17. With that being said I'll leave you with one more thing... Add guns like the Desert Eagle, Uzi, and Negev. Great game keep up the good work!
by Monster
Very very very perfect app please update for other weapons rifles... And rpg-7
by tai
very good
Its a great game by alexander
I love it and I like that it can apply slow mo, but it needs more guns