English (United States)
Take a brake from pressure and stress by Riding on Roller Coaster in beautiful theme park near bank of river. This simulation is available in Virtual Reality as well as Simple Mode. VR Crazy Roller Coaster Simulator is free Windows game in which you can enjoy ride on Roller Coaster. Realize yourself in a Train that is running on a Rolling track. Sometime you may even scare because you will really feel like a Roller Coaster Slide, Sharp turns and Slopes. You will also realize beautiful view of city from height. How to Play: - Select VR/Simple Mode by Enabling/Disabling 'Dual Screen' button on main menu and tap 'Play' button. VR Mode: - you must have Gyro sensor in your device - Put your device into VR glasses like 4DUD or HoloGraphics - Aline your device into center - Check for blurriness... rotate lens for proper focus - Use revolving chair or stand in open place - You are free to move forward/backward and left/right just rotating on your axis - Also visualize up/down view Simple Mode: Game Play is simple in Simple Mode. just swipe right/left to view right/left
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Graphics by Azadeh
I'd like the graphics be more real.
Awesome work. by Tyric
I give five stars cause they made a vr game... It's better than not having any. ☺
by tiffany
Love It
by meadow
Freezes up alot won't work Don't get this game you will regret it. It really sucks . Bad quality might as well just get rid of the game forever
by Juan
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by Неботоа
Самое хреновое приложение в мире !!!