English (United States)
The primary purpose of the app is to present factual information in a neutral way, by submitting multiple views on multiple topics, alerting users to current and recent global events, by means of links including subsequent comments and aggregation. Please note that news flashes are not always in chronological order, and user discretion is advised where an up-to-date follow up is awaited and subject to change. Personal signing in to social media from within or outside the app wrapping is entirely controlled by the user's personal social media account terms and usage and system settings. Such interaction also falls under general responsible internet usage and accountability guidelines of your country's law and international requirements per site visited. The above mentioned usage is subject to availability, and not guaranteed in any way. Since comments include mere editorial views, presidential views and views of reporters, it is therefor not necessarily the views of the 'Editor in Tweet', but serves as informational, with or without absolute credibility.
This app neither access nor collect internet or personal user history or information. The data is released for fair use without warrantee or liability for any short coming which may arise from the collection, presentation or duration of its existence. This app does not use, share, access or compromise any of your personal files, folders or libraries.