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Pure instant messaging — simple, fast, secure, and synced across all your devices. Over 100 million active users in two and a half years.
FAST: Telegram is the fastest messaging app on the market, connecting people via a unique, distributed network of data centers around the globe.
SYNCED: You can access your messages from all your devices at once. Start typing on your phone and finish the message from your tablet or laptop. Never lose your data again.
UNLIMITED: You can send media and files, without any limits on their type and size. Your entire chat history will require no disk space on your device, and will be securely stored in the Telegram cloud for as long as you need it.
SECURE: We made it our mission to provide the best security combined with ease of use. Everything on Telegram, including chats, groups, media, etc. is encrypted using a combination of 256-bit symmetric AES encryption, 2048-bit RSA encryption, and Diffie–Hellman secure key exchange.
POWERFUL: You can create group chats for up to 5,000 members, share large videos, documents of any type (.DOC, .MP3, .ZIP, etc.), and even set up bots for specific tasks. It's the perfect tool for hosting online communities and coordinating teamwork.
RELIABLE: Built to deliver your messages in the minimum bytes possible, Telegram is the most reliable messaging system ever made. It works even on the weakest mobile connections.
FUN: Telegram has powerful photo and video editing tools and an open sticker/GIF platform to cater to all your expressive needs.
SIMPLE: While providing an unprecedented array of features, we are taking great care to keep the interface clean. With its minimalist design, Telegram is lean and easy to use.
100% FREE & NO ADS: Telegram is free and will always be free. We are not going to sell ads or introduce subscription fees.
PRIVATE: We take your privacy seriously and will never give third parties access to your data.
For those interested in maximum privacy, Telegram offers Secret Chats. Secret Chat messages can be programmed to self-destruct automatically from both participating devices. This way you can send all types of disappearing content — messages, photos, videos, and even files. Secret Chats use end-to-end encryption to ensure that a message can only be read by its intended recipient.
We keep expanding the boundaries of what you can do with a messaging app. Don’t wait years for older messengers to catch up with Telegram — join the revolution today. ----------------------------------------------
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ADD BUILT IN MUSIC PLAYER.add right align for Farsi tex by narges
App do not display persian text right align.writing in farsi language is right to left.second problem is stoping download of received file after screen locked. And the final request is adding built in music player to telegram in windows10 phone like android version.when I try to play received mp3 file in telegram, the app open it by groove music as default music player.and this is a big problem.because telegram and groove player can not play after shuting down the screen.U can check it.press power button and u will see it Immediately.after screen goes off
The best but still need works for windows mobile versio by Hossein
Telegram in my opinion is the best social social app. Working with Channels with lots of incomes make the app face some problems and you will see just black instead of messages. You have to restart in order to make everything routine It's better to make fonts smaller
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We need universal app but new UI is better than old but we need universal for Windows 10 Please telegram please
Great app but slow on windows phone... by Elias
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by hamed
Hi Please add "edit channel" option (private/public) and add new emoticons There is something wrong with showing texts in channels fix it please We have difficulties in forwarding texts or pictures to channel or super group Please fix these problems Thank you دوستانی که اینو مشاهده میکنن هم کپی کنن و همینو کامنت کنن هم مثبت بدن❤
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