العربية (المملكة العربية السعودية) English (United States) Français (France) 日本語 (日本)
Free calls to US and Canadian numbers. Free calls to more than 2000 VoIP networks. For instructions please visit https://www.sipmobile.org/wiki/wiki/how-to-call/ Audio/video calls. Online and offline messages. Push notifications for longer battery life. Secure communications with cryptographic software. Supports modern codecs (Opus, WP8) for better audio/video quality. Picture sharing. Compatible with Sipmobile soft phone for iOS and Android. Inside Sipmobile domain you can use Self-Administration service. This service allows you: view recent calls. use click-to-dial service. manage voicemail (Voice mail number is 2000). maintain your address book. set call barring for incoming and outgoing calls. set your personal alarms. manage your account password.
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