English (United States)
Shadowmania is the perfect game for Pop Culture fans - especially cartoon lovers! This fun and new game will challenge you to guess characters from their most basic form - their shadows! Each question features a beautifully illustrated silhouette of your favorite video game, animated movie, and company mascot characters! We hope you'll enjoy guessing the shadow in this fun new trivia game from the makers of all your favorite "Guess The" games!
People also like
shadow game by Taylor
tough but fun
Very fun by vivica
Its addicting
Sammy jo by samantha
I love this game so much
okay by Gloria
It stinks that I can't skip a puzzle without using coins because each correct answer usually only earns the player 1 coin. It costs 30 to get the answer if one should get stuck.
Awesome games by Unknown
Love it super challenging and that's the way I like it I love to think and this one has me thinking all the time
Rating by Unknown