English (United States)
This Sale Calculator app is developed to help users to have immediate result of a desired % discount of a given price. Hope you find it useful and willing to upgrade to another full app with more variety of useful options.
Just enter the price and a desired percentage % and click Discount, and you'll have a total discounted value.
Fast and very useful app on a go.
Enjoy it and contact me :).
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does what a regular calc does by Joshua
It is simple to use and let's you see total price (the amount you would pay for the item, not how much you saved) On my original review I did the calculations wrong, so I thought it was giving me the discount (money saved). The only improvement to the app is the interface so that you could change your language / currency in a settings menu, instead of "Price/ cminimi" and "C,$" it still gives the right price, but it's more about looks.